Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Unit 1: Family

 Task 1: Translate (GROUP 1: 18th November)

mother, mum

father, dad




grandma, grandmother

grandad, grandfather


grandchild, grandson, granddaughter






Task 2: Which word?

1) Your mother and father are your ______ . 

2) Your parents' parents are your _________ .

3) Your mother's brother is your _______ .

4) Your father's sister is your ________ .

5) Your aunts' and uncles' children are your ______ . 

6) She is her parents' ______ . 

7) He is his parent's ________ . 

8) Your brothers and your ______ are your siblings. 


1) niece

2) nephew

3) mother-in-law

4) father-in-law

5) sister-in-law

6) brother-in-law

7) relative

8) sibling

9) stepdaughter

10) child, children

1. My husband's mother is my _________ . 

2. My brother's daughter is my ________ .

3. My husband has a daughter from his previous marriage. She's my _____ . 

4. How many ______ have you got? - I've got just a sister. 

5. How many _____ have you got? - I've got a daughter and a son. 

6. My sister's son is my _____ . 

7. My wife's brother is my ______ . 

8. My wife's father is my _______ . 

Thursday, November 5, 2020

BEYOND A2 Unit 1: Places in a town

 Task 1: Study the words (loe häälega, tõlgi, moodusta lauseid, mõtle millised kohad ja kus on Raplas, Tallinnas? - nii jäävad sõnad paremini meelde)

1) flat

2) building

3) castle

4) square

5) airport

6) station

7) shopping centre, mall

8) museum

9) stadium

10) theme park, amusement park, funfair

11) theatre (Br.E.), theater (Am.E.)

12) swimming pool

13) sports centre

14) zoo

15) shop, store

16) restaurant

17) cinema

18) park

19) tower

20) library

21) cafe

22) wheel

Task 2: Can you translate?

1) korter, 2) ehitis, hoone, 3) loss, 4) väljak, 5) lennujaam, 6) jaam, 7) kaubanduskeskus, 8) muuseum, 9) staadion, 10) lõbustuspark, 11) teater, 12) ujula, 13) spordikeskus, 14) loomaaed, 15) pood, 16) restoran, 17) kino, 18) park, 19) torn, 20) raamatukogu, 21) kohvik, 22) vaateratas