Monday, January 29, 2024

What's the weather?











1. lightning, cloudy, thunderstorm
2. dew, wet, humid, damp, cool
3. hot, dry, drought
4. flood, flooded, downpour, shower, rainy
5. icy, ice, slippery, mild, thaw
6. fog, foggy, low visibility, misty, chilly
7. snowdrifts, snowy, snowstorm, cold, freezing
8. showery, rainy, windy, partly cloudy
9. hot, dry, sunny, dusty
10. stormy, cloudy, thunderstorm

Describing a photo


Choose a picture. 

1) What can you see? 

Use different sentence structures: I can see..., there is/are..., in the background, in the foreground, in the middle, on the left, on the right

2) How do things or people look like? What are they wearing? What have they got? 

3) Find similarities and differences in the photo. 

4) What is happening in the photo? What are the people doing? 

5) Talk about the weather, season or try to guess the place, country. 

6) How do they feel? 

7) What did they do before the photo was taken? 

8) What do you think they  will do next?

9) Have you been in a similar situation? 

Try to speak 2 minutes and cover all 9 parts! 

Newspaper headlines: the weather

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Group work: Weather

Task 1: Translate or explain

1) air pollution (polluted)
2) air pressure
3) avalanche
4) blizzard
5) breeze (breezy)
6) drizzle (drizzly)
7) heat wave
8) humidity (humid)
9) icicle (icy)
10) muggy
11) precipitation
12) shower (showery)
13) sleet (sleety)
14) thaw (thawy)
15) (low / high) visibility (visible)
16) weather vane

( jahutav tuul / kerge tuul; kuumalaine; niiskus / niiske või lämbe; tugev lumesadu; lumelaviin; uduvihm; jääpuraikas; lörts; nähtavus; õhurõhk; hoovihm; sula; tuulelipp; õhusaaste; niiske / raske õhuga; sademed ) 

Task 2: What is in the photo? What causes it? Why is it good or bad? 











Task 3: Fill in the missing words

1. _________   is the weight of the atmosphere pressing down on the earth. It is measured by a barometer in units called millibars. Most barometers use mercury in a glass column, like a thermometer, to measure the change in ____________.

2. This word is used to describe the atmosphere when humidity is high relative to temperature. Nights after humid days tend to be ___________ . 

3. The clouds that produce ________ have low bases, usually less than 1,000 feet in altitude. Fog is often present when __________ falls. 

4. A/An ________ is a spike of ice formed when water dripping or falling from an object freezes.

5. A/An _________ is a mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside.

6. _________ occurs when a frozen substance, such as ice, snow becomes liquid or soft as a result of warming up.

7. In meteorology, ________ is a measure of the distance at which an object or light can be clearly discerned. __________ affects all forms of traffic: roads, sailing and aviation.

8. In meteorology, ___________ is any product of the condensation of atmospheric water vapor that falls under gravity. The main forms of __________ include drizzle, rain, sleet, snow, and hail.

9. A / An _________  an instrument for showing the direction of the wind. They are typically used as an architectural ornament to the highest point of a building.

10. A / An _________ is a severe snowstorm characterized by strong  winds of at least 56 km/h and lasting for typically three hours or more. A ground __________  is a weather condition where snow is not falling but loose snow on the ground is lifted and blown by strong winds.

Now check your answers

1) air pressure
2) muggy / humid
3) drizzle
4) icicle
5) avalance
6) thaw
7) visibility
8) precipitation
9) weather vane
10) blizzard

Weather phenomena

 What are they?

* mirage
* moonbow
* a halo
* The belt of Venus
* Noctilucent clouds
* Northern / Southern lights
* coloured moon
* Mammatus clouds
* fire whirls
* Pyroculumus clouds
* sun pillars
* diamond dust
* non-aqueous rain
* Virga
* a fire rainbow
* a green ray
* a ball lightning
* rain bomb
* sprites, jets


Sayings and proverbs: Weather

 How do you understand the following sayings and proverbs? Try to guess first. 

1)    Raining cats and dogs.

2)    Come rain or shine.
3)    Feel a bit under the weather.         
4)    Feel as right as rain.  
5)    Trust in the old adage.      
6)    Red sky at night, shepherd’s delight. 
7)    Red sky in the morning, shepherd’s warning.  
8)    Take a peek. 
9)    Storm in a teacup.  
10)          Put the wind up.  
11)          Weather the storm.        
12) Fingers crossed.  
13) Every cloud has a silver lining. 
14) All wet. 
15) Brainstorm
16) Break the ice
17) A cold day in July
18) A breath of fresh air. 
19) On cloud nine. 
20) It's nippy today.
21) to take a shine to something
22) to chase rainbows
23) to save something for a rainy day
24) to take a rain check
25) to catch wind of something
26) There's a storm on the horizon.
27) I don't have the foggiest (idea). 

1)    Raining cats and dogs - sajab paduvihma

2)    Come rain or shine - mitte miski ei takista
3)    Feel a bit under the weather - end haigena/halvasti tundma         
4)    Feel as right as rain - olema taas terve
5)    Trust in the old adage - vanarahvatarkust uskuma         
6)    Red sky at night, shepherd’s delight - homme tuleb ilus ilma
7)    Red sky in the morning, shepherd’s warning - homme tuleb halb ilm
8)    Take a peek - kiiresti vaatama 
9)    Storm in a teacup - ülepingutatud, liialdatud
10)          Put the wind up - ärevust tekitama
11)          Weather the storm - toime tulema raske olukorraga         
12) Fingers crossed - parimat lootma
13) Every cloud has a silver lining. - ka halb võib osutuda millekski heaks / kasulikuks 
14) All wet.  - täiesti valesti aru saama
15) Brainstorm - ideid (koostöös) koguma
16) To break the ice - suhtlemist alustama
17) A cold day in July - väga ebatõenäoline
18) A breath of fresh air - uuenduslik, erinev, võrdluses sellega, millega ollakse harjunud
19) On cloud nine - üliõnnelik olema
20) It's nippy today. - Täna on arvatust jahedam. (selle väljendiga väljendatakse seda, et pole piisavalt õigesti riides)
21) to take a shine to something - meeldima hakkama, ära harjuma
22) to chase rainbows - kättesaamatut saavutama üritama
23) to save something for a rainy day - mustadeks päevadeks säästma, alles hoidma
24) to take a rain check - kutset tgasi lükkama eesmärgiga uus sobivam aeg leida
25) to catch wind of something - kuulujuttu kuulma, kusagilt infot saama, midagi sellest varem juba kuulnud
26) There's a storm on the horizon. - Olukord on keerulisemaks muutumas. 
27) I don't have the foggiest (idea). - pole õrna aimugi