Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Beyond A2: SB ex 4/18

 Hi Dasha, / Hi Dasha!

Thanks for your e-postcard. 

St Petersburg looks amazing in the cards photo. 

I can't speak Russian.

Do a lot of people speak English?

Write soon, / Write soon!


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Telling / asking the way

 Situation 1

A: Vabandage mind, kas te oskate öelda, kus on kaubanduskeskus?

B: Minge otse edasi umbes 300 meetrit, siis keerake teine tee paremale

A: Kas restoran on seal lähedal?

B: Restoran on kaubanduskeskuse vastas

A: Tänan väga. 

B: Pole tänu väärt. Head aega!

Situation 2

A: Kas te oskate juhatada teed ujulasse?

B: See on täpselt nurga taga. 

A: Mis värvi see on?

B: Maja on hall ja ujula ees on rulapark. Teil ei jää see märkamata. 

B: Tänan. Head päeva!

A: Teile ka head päeva!

Situation 3

A: Vabandage mind...Ma arvan, et ma olen eksinud. Kas te saate mind aidata?

B: Muidugi. Kuhu te soovite minna?

A:  Kuidas ma saan kunstimuuseumi?

B: Oi, see on üsna kaugel siit. Te peate võtma takso. 

A: Pole probleemi. Mul on auto. 

B: Sõitke otse edasi, pöörake teiselt teelt vasakule. 

A: Mis on selle tänava nimi?

B: Pargi tänav. Siis sõitke umbes 1 kilomeeter. Muuseum on paremal pool. 

A: See tundub lihtne. Aitäh!

B: Head aega!

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Unit 1: Family

 Task 1: Translate (GROUP 1: 18th November)

mother, mum

father, dad




grandma, grandmother

grandad, grandfather


grandchild, grandson, granddaughter






Task 2: Which word?

1) Your mother and father are your ______ . 

2) Your parents' parents are your _________ .

3) Your mother's brother is your _______ .

4) Your father's sister is your ________ .

5) Your aunts' and uncles' children are your ______ . 

6) She is her parents' ______ . 

7) He is his parent's ________ . 

8) Your brothers and your ______ are your siblings. 


1) niece

2) nephew

3) mother-in-law

4) father-in-law

5) sister-in-law

6) brother-in-law

7) relative

8) sibling

9) stepdaughter

10) child, children

1. My husband's mother is my _________ . 

2. My brother's daughter is my ________ .

3. My husband has a daughter from his previous marriage. She's my _____ . 

4. How many ______ have you got? - I've got just a sister. 

5. How many _____ have you got? - I've got a daughter and a son. 

6. My sister's son is my _____ . 

7. My wife's brother is my ______ . 

8. My wife's father is my _______ . 

Thursday, November 5, 2020

BEYOND A2 Unit 1: Places in a town

 Task 1: Study the words (loe häälega, tõlgi, moodusta lauseid, mõtle millised kohad ja kus on Raplas, Tallinnas? - nii jäävad sõnad paremini meelde)

1) flat

2) building

3) castle

4) square

5) airport

6) station

7) shopping centre, mall

8) museum

9) stadium

10) theme park, amusement park, funfair

11) theatre (Br.E.), theater (Am.E.)

12) swimming pool

13) sports centre

14) zoo

15) shop, store

16) restaurant

17) cinema

18) park

19) tower

20) library

21) cafe

22) wheel

Task 2: Can you translate?

1) korter, 2) ehitis, hoone, 3) loss, 4) väljak, 5) lennujaam, 6) jaam, 7) kaubanduskeskus, 8) muuseum, 9) staadion, 10) lõbustuspark, 11) teater, 12) ujula, 13) spordikeskus, 14) loomaaed, 15) pood, 16) restoran, 17) kino, 18) park, 19) torn, 20) raamatukogu, 21) kohvik, 22) vaateratas

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Unit 18

 Task 1: Find from SB p 94

1) šveits

2) õuesolemist armastama, 

3) energiline

4) tegevused

5) mägirattaga sõitmine

6) kaljuronimine

7) hobusega ratsutamine

8) rääkima võõrkeeli

9) antiikajalugu

10) reisijuht

11) prantsuse keelt rääkima

12) maksma oma kulutuste eest

13) taotlusvorm

14) vaba-aja tegevused

15) vee all pildistamine

16) skuutriga sõitmine

17) elupäästmine

18) vormiriietus

Task 2: Divide the words and phrases into groups


4) 4 or 5 water: jet-skiing, underwater photography, scuba diving, snorkelling, water-skiing

 5) 3 mountains + 1 about animals: hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing, horse riding


1) 3 countries: Switzerland, Spain, Egypt

2) languages: French, German

3) +1 : speak foreign languages


life-saving, tour guide, send an application form, wear a uniform, be able to work


wash the dishes, serve the meals, be polite, answer the phone, work at nights

Task 3: Show what you know. Make a sentence

1. Switzerland, 2. tour guide, 3. uniform, 4. jet-skiing, 5. underwater photography, 6. life-saving, 7. rock climbing, 8.mountain biking, 9.Egypt,  10.Spain, 11. French, 12. German, 13. love the outdoors, 14. free-time activities, 15. hiking, 16. horse riding, 17. speak a foreign language, 18. pay your expenses, 19. send an application form, 20. be able to work, wash the dishes, serve the meals, work at night, be polite, answer the phone, have to, have a visa, change money, hang-gliding, bungee jumping, martial arts

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

U17: Words

 Task 1: Can you translate them?

bungee jumping, snorkelling, hiking, airport, binoculars, bridge, rucksack, packed lunch, call you later, jump off the bridge, exciting, I'll just watch, take a few photos, play soccer, see the sights, tidy my room, plant flowers, buy a motorbike, buy some flour, get across a river, prediction, decision, request, promise, foggy, cloudy, rainy, be able to, weather, have a barbecue, go hiking in the mountains, see some sea animals

Task 2: Look at the photos and make up a sentence











Task 3: Translate

1) Kas sa lubad, et lähed täna kooli?

2) Kuidas me üle jõe saame?

3) Benji-hüppamine on väga põnev!

4) Ma arvan, et ma mängin jalgpalli homme. 

5) Mul on raha olemas. Ma kavatsen mootorratta osta. 

6) Me oleme Hispaanias. Kavatseme homme vaatamisväärsusi vaatama minna. 

7)  Mul pole kaamerat. - OK, ma teen siis mõned pildid. 

8) See on minu sooviavaldus / palve sulle. 

9) Ära hüppa sillalt alla. 

10) See on ohtlik. Ma kavatsen ainult vaadata. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Unit 16: KEY

Iga õige vastus annab 5p, vale või poolik 0p


1) go, 2) have, 3) ring, 4) do, 5) press, 6) put, 7) see, 8) get


1) Will you tell..., 2) I will help / I'll help

3) will have, 4) I will show / I'll show

5) will not probably visit / probably won't visit

6) Will you decorate...?

7) Will you wash..?

8) will call / I'll call

1) Yes, of course

2) OK, I'll get it for you. 

3) Maybe. I'm not sure. 

4) Thanks, I'll see you when I get back. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Unit 16: words

 1) New Zealand

2) passport

3) button

4) press

5) ring the doorbell

6) harbour

7) take for a walk

8) go on holiday

9) be on her own

10) adventure holiday

11) barbecue on the beach

12) an active volcano

13) How long will you be away?

14) sights

15) send a postcard

16) a couple of days

17) probably

18) a heavy suitcase

19) collect my mail

20) the highest mountains

21) take for a walk

22) to record the match

23) water the plants

24) turn the lights on

25) feed the cats

Tuesday, September 1, 2020


In this blog  the students of form 6 can:

* revise what we learned in the lesson
* sing songs
* play English online games
* get extra exercises to study for tests or other tasks
* get feedback (photos, reviews etc.