Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Unit 18

 Task 1: Find from SB p 94

1) šveits

2) õuesolemist armastama, 

3) energiline

4) tegevused

5) mägirattaga sõitmine

6) kaljuronimine

7) hobusega ratsutamine

8) rääkima võõrkeeli

9) antiikajalugu

10) reisijuht

11) prantsuse keelt rääkima

12) maksma oma kulutuste eest

13) taotlusvorm

14) vaba-aja tegevused

15) vee all pildistamine

16) skuutriga sõitmine

17) elupäästmine

18) vormiriietus

Task 2: Divide the words and phrases into groups


4) 4 or 5 water: jet-skiing, underwater photography, scuba diving, snorkelling, water-skiing

 5) 3 mountains + 1 about animals: hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing, horse riding


1) 3 countries: Switzerland, Spain, Egypt

2) languages: French, German

3) +1 : speak foreign languages


life-saving, tour guide, send an application form, wear a uniform, be able to work


wash the dishes, serve the meals, be polite, answer the phone, work at nights

Task 3: Show what you know. Make a sentence

1. Switzerland, 2. tour guide, 3. uniform, 4. jet-skiing, 5. underwater photography, 6. life-saving, 7. rock climbing, 8.mountain biking, 9.Egypt,  10.Spain, 11. French, 12. German, 13. love the outdoors, 14. free-time activities, 15. hiking, 16. horse riding, 17. speak a foreign language, 18. pay your expenses, 19. send an application form, 20. be able to work, wash the dishes, serve the meals, work at night, be polite, answer the phone, have to, have a visa, change money, hang-gliding, bungee jumping, martial arts

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